Route 66 - Detour -New Mexico - Kasha Katuwe Tent Rocks

Approach: Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument is a small nature reserve near Santa Fe. From Interstate 25 from driving at exit 264 onto Highway 16, follow this to the north until it onto Highway 22 meets.
Address: Jemez Springs, NM 87025, United States
Travel Time: Spring, Sommer, Fall, Winter- it is on Tribal land so from time to time the monumnet is closed
Fee: 5$ per vehicle
Description: The area is located on Indian land and is managed by the Bureo of Land Management. It is a desert valley with bizarre erosion forms in volcanic rock, these take the form of tents. In addition, there is a small slot canyon. Hiking is possible there.
Lodging: Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Bernalillo
Website: Website

Proposed route for the trip to the Tent Rocks

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