Route 66 - People - New Mexico

Lillian Redman
Owner of the Blue Swallow Motel from 1958 to 1998.
As Lillian led the Blue Swallow Motel got each guest a copy of the “Benediction” with (blessing). A printed copy now hangs in every room of the motel.

Greetings Traveler:
In ancient times, there was a prayer for “The Stranger Within our Gates.” Because this motel is a human institution to serve people, and not solely a money-making organization, we hope that God will grant you peace and rest while you are under our roof.

Nancy und Kevin
The two are the current owner of the Blue Swallow Motel in Tucumcari. The two run the place with a devotion as well as the others before you. Every guest is welcomed with warm hospitality and can feel at home. Nancy and Kevin took over the hotel in 1999.

Here you can find all the important links to the personalities of Route 66 in Texas